“Is It Haram to Dye Your Hair Black? Explained”

Have you ever wondered whether dyeing your hair black is considered haram? In this blog post, we delve into the question, “Is it haram to dye your hair black?”

Hair colour choices can sometimes raise questions about their compatibility with religious beliefs, especially in Islam. We explore the Islamic perspective on dyeing hair black and shed light on the cultural and religious context surrounding this practice.

Join us as we uncover the factors at play and gain a better understanding of the considerations involved in hair colour choices within the Islamic faith.

Table of Contents

Is It Haram To Dye Your Hair Black:

The permissibility of dyeing one’s hair black is a topic of debate among Islamic scholars, and opinions may vary based on different interpretations of Islamic teachings. 

Some scholars argue that dyeing hair black is discouraged or even considered haram (forbidden) due to the Prophet Muhammad’s reported statements discouraging the imitation of non-Muslim practices, as black hair dye was commonly associated with non-Muslim cultures during his time. 

Additionally, dyeing hair black could be perceived as altering the natural state of one’s appearance, which is discouraged in Islam.

Why Is It Haram To Dye Your Hair Black:

In Islamic teachings, dyeing one’s hair black is considered haram (forbidden) primarily due to a specific hadith (narration) attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. 

According to this narration, the Prophet reportedly said, “The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection will be the image-makers.” The term “image-makers” is understood to refer to those who try to alter or imitate the creation of Allah, such as changing the natural colour of their hair.

In the historical context of the time of Prophet Muhammad, dyeing hair black was a common practice among non-Muslims, and it was associated with imitating other cultures and tribes. 

As a result, the Prophet discouraged his followers from adopting such practices to emphasise the distinct identity of Muslims.

Can we colour black hair in Islam:

In Islam, the permissibility of colouring black hair is a topic that has been subject to various interpretations among scholars. While there is no explicit prohibition in Islamic scriptures against colouring black hair, some scholars approach this issue with caution and consideration of certain principles within the faith.

The permissibility of hair colouring in Islam often depends on the intention behind the act and the specific ingredients used in the hair dye. 

If the intention is for beautification or personal preference without attempting to imitate non-Muslim practices or deceive others, some scholars may deem hair colouring as permissible. In this context, colouring hair can be seen as a form of self-expression, provided it is done modestly and within the bounds of Islamic ethics.lam:

Why can’t you dye your hair black:

In Islam, the prohibition or discouragement of dyeing one’s hair black is not universally agreed upon, and opinions among scholars vary. 

Some scholars argue against dyeing hair black based on specific narrations attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), while others see it as a matter of personal choice and cultural context.

One reason some scholars discourage dyeing hair black is based on a narration that suggests the Prophet Muhammad warned against imitating the practices of non-Muslims. 

During the Prophet’s time, dyeing hair black was a common practice among non-Muslims, and he encouraged his followers to differentiate themselves from those outside the Islamic faith. Consequently, dyeing hair black may be perceived as imitating non-Muslims and is thus discouraged.

When is it Halal to Dye your Hair Black:

In Islam, the permissibility of dyeing black hair is a matter of differing opinions among scholars. While some scholars discourage dyeing black hair based on certain narrations attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and concerns about imitating non-Muslim practices, others see hair dyeing as a permissible form of self-expression and beautification, provided certain conditions are met.

Those who advocate for the permissibility of dyeing black hair often emphasise the absence of any explicit prohibition in Islamic scriptures against hair colouring. They argue that as long as the hair dye used is halal (permissible) and does not contain harmful or forbidden substances, it is acceptable for Muslims to change their hair colour for aesthetic reasons.

Is It Haram For Men To Dye Their Hair:

In Islam, the permissibility of men dyeing their hair is a subject of varying opinions among scholars. While there is no explicit prohibition in Islamic scriptures against men dyeing their hair, interpretations of certain hadiths (narrations of the Prophet Muhammad’s sayings and actions) and cultural norms have led to different views on this matter.

Some scholars argue that men dyeing their hair is discouraged based on a narration attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, where he advised against imitating non-Muslims. 

During the Prophet’s time, some non-Muslim communities had distinct hair dyeing practices, and he encouraged his followers to differentiate themselves from them. 

Consequently, some scholars believe that men dyeing their hair may be seen as imitating non-Muslim practices, which is discouraged in Islam.

Did Prophet Muhammad Dye His Hair:

There are historical accounts and hadiths (narrations of the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) that suggest he did dye his hair. 

According to some narrations, the Prophet Muhammad used henna to dye his hair, particularly to colour his beard, which had turned grey with age. The use of henna as a natural dye was common during that time and continues to be popular in many cultures today

.The Prophet’s decision to dye his hair is believed to have been motivated by both practical and cultural considerations. As a leader and exemplar for the Muslim community, he maintained an appearance that was well-groomed and dignified. 

Colouring his hair with henna was one way to maintain his appearance and present himself in a manner that was culturally acceptable and customary during that era.

Is Highlighting Hair Allowed In Islam:

The permissibility of highlighting hair in Islam, like many cosmetic practices, is a matter of differing opinions among Islamic scholars. 

There is no specific prohibition in Islamic scriptures against hair highlighting, but the acceptability of this practice may vary based on various factors and interpretations.

Some scholars argue that highlighting hair is permissible as long as it is done modestly and with halal (permissible) substances. 

They view hair highlighting as a form of beautification that does not fundamentally alter one’s appearance and is not explicitly prohibited in Islamic teachings

Is It Haram To Dye Your Hair In Ramadan:

The permissibility of dyeing one’s hair during Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims, is a topic that has differing opinions among Islamic scholars. There is no explicit prohibition in Islamic scriptures against dying hair during Ramadan. 

However, scholars’ views on this matter are influenced by various considerations related to the significance of the month and the act of fasting.

Some scholars argue that dyeing hair during Ramadan should be avoided as an act of respect and devotion to the sacred nature of the month. 

During Ramadan, Muslims engage in increased acts of worship, self-discipline, and reflection. Dyeing hair, which involves beautification and altering one’s appearance, could be seen as a worldly distraction from the spiritual focus of the month.

Can you pray with dyed hair:

Yes, Muslims can pray with dyed hair. There is no prohibition in Islamic teachings against praying with dyed hair, regardless of the colour. 

Hair dyeing is considered a permissible form of personal grooming and beautification in Islam, as long as it does not involve any forbidden or harmful substances.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself used henna to dye his hair, particularly his beard, which had turned grey with age. This serves as an example that hair dyeing is acceptable in Islam.


In conclusion, whether dyeing hair black is considered haram (forbidden) in Islam is a matter of differing opinions among scholars. While some scholars discourage it based on certain narrations and concerns about imitating non-Muslim practices, others view it as a permissible form of self-expression and beautification. 

As with many issues in Islam, individual choices regarding hair dyeing should be made thoughtfully and responsibly, seeking guidance from knowledgeable scholars and aligning with the broader principles of the faith.


Is it Haram to dye your hair black if you’re a girl?

There is no consensus among scholars on whether it is haram for a girl to dye her hair black. Some scholars may discourage it due to concerns about imitating non-Muslim practices or altering one’s natural appearance excessively, while others may see it as a permissible form of beautification and self-expression.

Is it Haram to dye your hair black with henna?

Using henna to dye hair black is generally not considered haram in Islam. Henna is a natural plant-based dye that has been used traditionally for hair colouring. It is commonly used by Muslims and is considered halal (permissible) for hair dyeing.

Is it Haram to colour your hair black?

The permissibility of colouring hair black is a matter of differing opinions among scholars. While some scholars may discourage it, there is no explicit prohibition in Islamic scriptures against dyeing hair black. As long as the hair dye used is halal and does not contain harmful substances, some scholars consider colouring hair black to be permissible.

Which hair colour is halal in Islam?

In Islam, any hair colour that is achieved using halal (permissible) ingredients and does not involve harmful substances is considered halal. Natural dyes like henna are commonly used and considered halal for hair colouring.

Is dyeing your hair black haram?

The act of dyeing hair black is not inherently haram in Islam. However, whether it is haram or not depends on the intention behind the action, the substances used in the dye, and the interpretations of Islamic teachings by different scholars.

Can you dye your hair black in Islam?

Yes, Muslims can dye their hair black, or any other colour, as long as they use halal ingredients and adhere to the principles of moderation, modesty, and sincerity in their intentions.

Why can’t you dye your hair black in Islam?

There is no blanket prohibition against dyeing hair black in Islam. However, some scholars may advise caution due to concerns about imitating non-Muslim practices or altering one’s natural appearance excessively. It is essential to consider the intentions and context behind hair dyeing and seek guidance from knowledgeable scholars when in doubt.


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