“Is It Haram to Cut Nails at Night? Islamic Perspective”

Are you curious about the Islamic viewpoint on cutting nails at night? In this blog post, we delve into the question, “Is it haram to cut nails at night?” 

Exploring religious beliefs and traditions, we aim to shed light on this topic and provide a clearer understanding of the significance attached to nail cutting in the Islamic faith. 

Join us as we uncover the truth behind this intriguing matter and gain insights into its cultural and religious context.

Can We Cut Nails at Night?

Cutting nails at night is a common belief that has sparked debates over its validity and superstitions surrounding the act. In many cultures, it is considered bad luck or even dangerous to trim one’s nails after the sun sets. 

The origins of this belief are varied, ranging from ancient cultural practices to religious beliefs. Some argue that is it haram to cut nails at night the act of cutting nails in dim light may lead to accidental injury, while others link it to folklore and traditions. 

However, from a practical standpoint, cutting nails at night should be approached with caution due to the reduced visibility. Regardless of the superstitions, it is advisable to trim nails in well-lit conditions to ensure precision and safety. 

Ultimately, the decision to cut nails at night depends on individual beliefs and cultural customs, but it is essential to prioritise personal safety while observing these practices.

When to cut nails in islam :

In Islam, cutting nails is considered a hygienic practice and is recommended for both men and women. The timing for cutting nails is not explicitly specified in Islamic scriptures; however, there are some guidelines and traditions observed by Muslims. It is encouraged to trim the nails regularly to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. 

Some traditions suggest doing so on Fridays before the Friday prayer or on Thursdays, is it haram to cut nails at night following the Sunnah (the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad). 

Additionally, it is recommended to begin the nail cutting process with the right hand and to start with the index finger, proceeding sequentially to the other fingers, and finally the toes. 

While there is no strict prohibition against cutting nails at night in Islam, is it haram to cut nails at night it is generally advised to perform this act during the day or in well-lit conditions to ensure precision and avoid any accidental harm. 

Leaving nails unclipped for more than forty days:

Leaving nails unclipped for more than forty days is a notion that carries cultural and traditional significance in some regions. While there is no religious mandate or specific scriptural guidance regarding the exact duration for nail trimming in most major religions, this belief has found its way into various folktales and superstitions. 

In certain cultures, it is believed that neglecting to trim nails for such an extended period could lead to bad luck, misfortune, or even harm befalling the individual. However, from a practical standpoint,is it haram to cut nails at night leaving nails unclipped for more than forty days can lead to overgrown and unruly nails, which may cause discomfort and inconvenience in day-to-day activities. 

Proper nail maintenance is essential for maintaining personal hygiene and preventing potential complications such as ingrown nails or bacterial infections. While adhering to cultural traditions can be meaningful, it is vital to strike a balance between preserving customs and taking care of one’s health and well-being.

Starting with right side when clipping nails and combing hair:

Starting with the right side when clipping nails and combing hair is a practice that holds cultural and religious significance in various societies. In many cultures, the right side is considered more favourable and auspicious than the left side. 

Therefore, beginning tasks with the right hand or right side is believed to bring good luck and blessings. This custom is also rooted in religious traditions, particularly in Islam, where the Prophet Muhammad emphasised using the right hand for virtuous deeds and the left hand for less noble tasks. 

When it comes to grooming habits like nail clipping and hair combing, adhering to this practice is seen as a way to show respect and follow the Sunnah, the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad. 

Beyond religious aspects, starting with the right side can also be seen as a way to instil discipline and mindfulness in daily routines. 

Is it haram to have long nails:

In Islam, there is no direct and explicit prohibition (haram) against having long nails. However, Islamic teachings emphasise cleanliness, modesty, and maintaining personal hygiene. 

Having excessively long nails can hinder cleanliness, as dirt and bacteria may accumulate more easily underneath them, potentially leading to health issues. Islam encourages Muslims to be mindful of their appearance and grooming, presenting themselves in a neat and tidy manner.

However, it is essential to note that the length of nails itself is not the focus, but is it haram to cut nails at night rather the emphasis is on cleanliness and maintaining a presentable appearance. 

Ultimately, it is up to individual interpretation and cultural norms to determine what is considered appropriate regarding nail length while keeping Islamic values in mind.

Hadith about cutting nails at night:

There are several hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) that mention cutting nails at night. 

One of the notable hadiths is reported by Muslim and Abu Dawood, where the Prophet Muhammad advised his followers not to trim their nails at night. According to this narration, is it haram to cut nails at night the Prophet explained that cutting nails during the night is not advisable because the night is a time of darkness, and one may not have proper illumination to ensure precision and avoid potential harm or injury. 

The hadith emphasises the importance of taking care of one’s well-being and safety when engaging in everyday activities. It is essential to note that while this hadith provides guidance, it does not explicitly declare cutting nails at night as prohibited (haram), but is it haram to cut nails at night rather encourages Muslims to be cautious and thoughtful in their actions. 

As with all hadiths, it is essential to consider the context and understand the underlying wisdom behind the Prophet’s teachings to apply them in a meaningful way to one’s daily life.

Why should you not cut the nails inside the house?

The practice of not cutting nails inside the house is influenced by cultural beliefs and superstitions that vary across different societies. One of the common reasons cited for this belief is the association of nail-cutting with uncleanliness. 

When nails are trimmed, small clippings can scatter around, and if done inside the house, they may become challenging to clean up entirely. In some cultures, it is believed that leaving nail clippings inside the house could attract negative energy or spirits. 

Another reason behind this practice is the notion that cutting nails inside the house is associated with bad luck or financial loss. Instead, it is often encouraged to cut nails outdoors or over a designated surface like a piece of paper or a special nail-cutting tray. 

While the belief in not cutting nails inside the house may not have a basis in religious teachings, it is essential to respect and understand various cultural customs and practices that have been passed down through generations.

Why should we not cut  nails on our birthdays and the day of the week on which we were born? 

The belief of not cutting nails on one’s birthday and the day of the week on which they were born is steeped in cultural superstitions and folklore rather than any religious mandate. In various cultures, these practices are considered as omens of bad luck or potential harm. 

The idea behind avoiding nail cutting on one’s birthday is rooted in the notion that doing so might sever the connection with one’s destiny and bring misfortune for the year ahead. 

Similarly, refraining from trimming nails on the day of the week corresponding to one’s birth is believed to safeguard against negative energies associated with that particular day. While these beliefs lack concrete evidence, they have been passed down through generations and become ingrained in certain traditions.

Nail cutting customs, myths and superstitions across different cultures, religions and countries:

Nail cutting customs, myths, and superstitions vary significantly across different cultures, religions, and countries. In some Asian cultures, like China and Vietnam, nail-cutting during the night is avoided due to the belief that it may bring bad luck or lead to premature death. 

Conversely, in Korea, it is customary to cut nails at night as it is thought to bring fortune and prosperity. In many Middle Eastern and Islamic cultures, it is believed that trimming nails on Fridays before the Friday prayer is beneficial, while others follow is it haram to cut nails at night the practice of starting with the right hand to bring good luck. 

In India, cutting nails on specific days like Tuesdays and Saturdays is discouraged to prevent financial losses and bad luck. 

For example, in Brazil, it is believed that cutting nails on a Friday can bring financial hardship. These customs and superstitions reflect the rich diversity of beliefs and cultural practices worldwide, showing how various societies attach special significance to the act of nail cutting as a way to protect against misfortune, seek blessings, and maintain cultural identity.

What is the best time of the day to cut your nails?

The best time of the day to cut your nails depends on personal preference and convenience, as there is no specific scientific evidence supporting one particular time over another. 

However, many people find that cutting nails after a bath or shower is beneficial because the warm water softens the nails, making them easier to trim and reducing the risk of splintering. 

Additionally, doing so after bathing can help maintain cleanliness, as any accumulated dirt and grime under the nails can be washed away beforehand. Some individuals prefer to cut their nails in the morning as part of their daily grooming routine, starting the day with a sense of cleanliness and tidiness. 

Ultimately, the key factor is to ensure adequate lighting and a comfortable setting to perform the task with precision and safety. Regardless of the time chosen, maintaining regular nail care is essential for overall hygiene and well-being, preventing potential complications like ingrown nails and bacterial infections.

Where should you dispose of your nail clippings or cut nails?

Proper disposal of nail clippings or cut nails is essential to maintain cleanliness and prevent any potential hazards. When trimming nails, it is advisable to do so over a designated surface, such as a piece of paper or a towel, to collect the clippings effectively. 

This makes it easier to gather all the nail trimmings and ensures they do not scatter around the area. Afterward, the collected nail clippings can be disposed of in a responsible manner. It is recommended to dispose of the nail clippings in a sealed trash bin to prevent any accidental scattering or exposure to others. 

This practice not only helps keep the surroundings clean but also ensures that the nail clippings are properly contained and do not pose any risk of injury or contamination. Responsible disposal of nail clippings is a small yet essential step in maintaining personal hygiene and being considerate of others in shared spaces.


What does Islam say about cutting nails?

Islam encourages personal hygiene and cleanliness, and trimming one’s nails is considered a part of this practice. It is seen as a good habit and a way to maintain cleanliness and prevent dirt and impurities from accumulating under the nails.

When can we cut nails in Islam?

You can cut your nails at any time that is convenient for you. There are no specific restrictions on when you can trim your nails in Islam.

Is it compulsory to cut nails for namaz?

Trimming nails is not a compulsory requirement for offering namaz (prayer). However, it is generally recommended to have clean and trimmed nails when performing acts of worship as a sign of cleanliness and respect for the prayer.

On which day nails should not be cut?

There is a common belief in some cultures that nails should not be cut on Fridays or during the night. However, this belief is based on cultural superstitions rather than Islamic teachings. Islam does not specify particular days when you should avoid cutting your nails.

Is it Sunnah to cut your nails?

While it is not considered a specific Sunnah (tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) to cut your nails, it is a recommended practice (Mustahabb) in Islam to maintain cleanliness and personal hygiene.

Is it OK to cut nails during periods?

There is no specific prohibition in Islam against cutting nails during menstruation (periods) for women. Women are encouraged to maintain personal hygiene during their menstrual cycle, just as they would at any other time. However, some cultural practices might discourage certain activities during menstruation, but these are not religious requirements.


In conclusion, there is no direct evidence in Islamic scriptures declaring it haram (forbidden) to cut nails at night. The belief surrounding cutting nails at night is influenced more by cultural customs and superstitions rather than specific religious teachings.

Islam places emphasis on personal hygiene and cleanliness, encouraging Muslims to trim their nails regularly for practical and hygienic reasons. While some hadiths advise against nail-cutting during the night due to reduced visibility and potential risks, it is important to remember that these are recommendations to ensure safety and should be approached with care.

Ultimately, the decision to cut nails at night or during the day should be based on individual preference, convenience, and understanding of Islamic principles, while always prioritizing cleanliness and well-being.


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