“Can Muslim Men Wear Gold? Exploring Permissibility”

The question of whether Muslim men can wear gold has long been a topic of discussion within the Islamic community.

Gold, with its shimmering allure and intrinsic value, has the potential to be both a symbol of status and a source of adornment. Yet, in Islam, principles of modesty, humility, and adherence to ethical values hold great significance. In this blog post, we delve into the nuanced and sometimes debated aspects of gold adornment for Muslim men.

We explore the rules, guidelines, and diverse perspectives that surround this question, shedding light on how Muslims can navigate the choice of wearing gold within the context of their faith.

What is Gold?

Gold is a chemical element with the symbol “Au” on the periodic table, derived from the Latin word for gold, “aurum.” It is one of the most highly prized and valuable metals in the world. Gold has been used by humans for thousands of years for various purposes, including as a form of currency, a medium of exchange, and for creating decorative and ornamental items.

Key characteristics of gold include its distinctive metallic luster, malleability, and ductility. It is a dense, soft, and yellowish metal that is a good conductor of electricity. Gold is known for its resistance to tarnish, corrosion, and most chemicals, making it highly durable and long-lasting.

Gold is commonly used in jewelry, coins, and bars for investment purposes. It is also used in a variety of industrial applications, including in electronics, dentistry, and as a component in some medical devices. Additionally, central banks and governments often hold significant reserves of gold as part of their monetary reserves.

Throughout history, gold has held a special place in cultures worldwide, often symbolizing wealth, power, and prestige. Its value is influenced by factors such as economic conditions, supply and demand dynamics, and geopolitical events, making it a significant asset in the global financial system.

Can Muslim Men Wear Gold? 

In Islam, the permissibility of men wearing gold is a subject of scholarly debate and interpretation. The Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) contain guidance on various aspects of attire and adornment for Muslim men and women, and there are differing opinions among Islamic scholars regarding the wearing of gold by men.

Some scholars hold the view that Muslim men are prohibited from wearing gold in any form, based on certain Hadith that suggest it is discouraged. For example, there are Hadith that state the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) forbade men from wearing gold rings or using gold utensils. These scholars argue that gold is seen as a form of adornment and luxury, and men should avoid such extravagance.

As a result of these differing opinions, the permissibility of Muslim men wearing gold may vary depending on the cultural and scholarly context. To ensure they are following the guidance that aligns with their beliefs, Muslim men may seek advice from knowledgeable religious authorities or scholars within their own community. Ultimately, personal choices regarding gold adornment should be made with consideration of one’s faith and the prevailing interpretations within their Islamic tradition.

Is it Haram to wear Gold Jewellery to men?

The permissibility of men wearing gold jewelry in Islam is a matter of scholarly debate and interpretation. There are differing opinions among Islamic scholars on this issue.

Some scholars hold the view that Muslim men are prohibited from wearing any form of gold jewellery based on specific Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) that discourage it. For instance, there are Hadith that mention the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) forbidding men from wearing gold rings or using gold utensils. These scholars argue that gold is considered a form of adornment and luxury and that men should avoid such extravagance.

Other scholars take a more lenient stance, suggesting that wearing gold jewelry by men is permissible in moderation, especially if there is a specific purpose or need for it. For example, wearing a gold wedding ring may be seen as an acceptable practice in many Islamic traditions.

What is the Perspective of Muslims Scholars on Wearing gold jewellery for men?

The perspective of Muslim scholars on men wearing gold jewelry can vary depending on the school of thought within Islam and individual interpretations. Here are some common perspectives held by Muslim scholars:

Prohibition (Haram): 

Some scholars and Islamic traditions hold the view that men wearing gold jewelry, regardless of the form or purpose, is haram (forbidden). They base this view on specific Hadith that discourage men from wearing gold, as it is seen as a form of adornment and luxury that may lead to arrogance and extravagance.

Permissibility with Conditions: 

Other scholars take a more moderate stance, suggesting that men can wear gold jewelry in moderation and for specific purposes, such as wearing a gold wedding ring. They emphasize that the key is to avoid excessiveness and arrogance in adornment.

Cultural Variations: 

The permissibility of men wearing gold jewelry may also vary across different cultural and regional contexts. In some Muslim-majority countries and communities, wearing gold jewelry by men is a common and accepted practice, while in others, it may be discouraged or even prohibited.

Differing School of Thought: 

Different Islamic schools of thought, such as the Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali schools, may have varying interpretations on this matter. For example, the Hanafi school is generally more lenient when it comes to men wearing gold jewelry for specific purposes, while the Shafi’i school may have stricter views.

Individual Interpretation: 

Ultimately, individuals may choose to follow the perspective of scholars or religious authorities from their specific tradition or school of thought. Some may opt to adhere to the guidance provided by their local religious leaders or communities.

Gold is haram For Muslim Mens, Proof with Quran and Sunnah

The permissibility of Muslim men wearing gold jewelry is a matter of scholarly interpretation, and there are varying opinions on this issue within the Muslim community. While some scholars hold the view that wearing gold is discouraged or even prohibited for Muslim men, others take a more lenient stance.

There is no explicit Quranic verse that categorically states that gold is haram for Muslim men. However, there are Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) that are often cited in discussions related to this topic. Here are some relevant Hadith:

Prohibition of Gold Rings: There are Hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) discouraged men from wearing gold rings. For example, in a Hadith narrated by Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet said, “Do not wear silk or Dibaj, and do not drink in gold or silver utensils, and do not wear shoes made of them.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Prohibition of Gold Utensils: There are Hadith that discourage the use of gold and silver utensils for eating and drinking. While this does not specifically address jewellery, it reflects a general discouragement of extravagance with precious metals.

Exceptions for Limited Use: Some Hadith suggest that gold may be permissible for specific purposes, such as wearing a gold wedding ring. However, even in these cases, moderation and avoiding extravagance are emphasised.

It’s important to note that the interpretation and application of these Hadith can vary among different Islamic scholars and schools of thought. Some scholars take a strict stance based on these Hadith, discouraging men from wearing gold jewellery in any form. Others may allow for limited and purposeful use of gold jewellery.

Why is it’s Haram for Men to Wear Gold?

The prohibition or discouragement of men wearing gold in Islam is primarily based on certain Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) and scholarly interpretations of Islamic ethics and values. The core reasons behind this stance revolve around principles of modesty, moderation, and avoidance of extravagance. 

Gold, as a precious and valuable metal, is often associated with luxury and wealth. Islam encourages its followers to lead a simple and humble life, avoiding excessiveness in material possessions and personal adornment. Wearing gold, especially in excess, is viewed by some scholars as a departure from these principles. 

Additionally, there is a concern about men resembling women in their appearance if they wear gold jewellery, as gold adornment has traditionally been associated with women. However, it’s important to note that the permissibility of men wearing gold can vary among different Islamic scholars and schools of thought, and there may not be a unanimous consensus on this matter. 

As a result, the acceptability of men wearing gold jewelry may depend on individual interpretations, cultural practices, and regional norms within the Muslim community.


In conclusion, whether Muslim men can wear gold is a matter of interpretation and varies among scholars and Islamic traditions. While some scholars discourage or even prohibit men from wearing gold jewellery based on principles of modesty, moderation, and avoidance of extravagance, others may allow limited and purposeful use of gold, such as a wedding ring. 

The permissibility of wearing gold may also depend on cultural and regional norms. Ultimately, Muslims seeking guidance on this matter should consult with knowledgeable religious authorities or scholars within their own community to understand the specific rulings and interpretations applicable to their context.


Can a Muslim men wear a gold watch in Islam?

The permissibility of a Muslim man wearing a gold watch can vary depending on scholarly interpretations and cultural practices. Some scholars may discourage wearing gold watches, while others may allow it, especially if it is considered a functional item rather than excessive adornment. The key is to avoid extravagance and adhere to Islamic principles of moderation and modesty.

Can a Muslim men wear a gold wedding ring?

The permissibility of a Muslim man wearing a gold wedding ring is a matter of debate among scholars. Some scholars may allow it, considering it a culturally accepted practice for conveying marital status. Others may discourage it based on Hadith that discourage men from wearing gold. The acceptability may vary based on cultural and regional norms.

Alternatives to gold for men:

There are several alternatives to gold for men’s jewelry, including silver, platinum, titanium, stainless steel, and non-precious metals. Many men prefer these alternatives for their durability, affordability, and more neutral appearance.

Is gold haram?

Gold itself is not inherently haram in Islam. However, its permissibility depends on how it is used and whether it aligns with Islamic principles of modesty, moderation, and avoidance of extravagance. Some scholars discourage the wearing of gold jewelry, while others allow it in moderation and for specific purposes. The permissibility of gold may vary based on individual interpretations and cultural practices within the Muslim community.

Is gold haram for men?

The permissibility of men wearing gold in Islam is a subject of scholarly debate and interpretation. While some scholars discourage or prohibit men from wearing gold jewelry based on specific Hadith and principles of modesty and avoidance of extravagance, others may allow limited and purposeful use of gold jewelry. The acceptability may vary depending on cultural and regional norms and individual interpretations.

Why is it haram to wear gold?

The prohibition or discouragement of wearing gold in Islam is based on certain Hadith and Islamic principles. It is seen as a departure from principles of modesty, moderation, and avoidance of extravagance. Additionally, there is a concern about resembling women in appearance, as gold jewelry has traditionally been associated with women’s adornment.

How much gold can a man wear in Islam?

There is no specific quantity of gold mentioned in Islamic teachings that defines how much gold a man can wear. The acceptability of wearing gold depends on the purpose, context, and cultural norms. Some scholars allow for limited and purposeful use of gold, such as a gold wedding ring, while others discourage or prohibit excessive adornment with gold.


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